Software Developer

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Join SmartLogic as a Software Developer specializing in Ruby on Rails and/or Phoenix/Elixir. Enjoy remote work, excellent benefits, and a focus on professional growth.

SmartLogic Software Developer Opportunity

SmartLogic, a custom software development consultancy since 2005, is looking for a Software Developer with expertise in Ruby on Rails and/or Phoenix/Elixir. The role involves planning, implementation, testing, and maintenance of custom software. The company has been dedicated to nurturing its team, clients, and community through various initiatives, such as youth workforce development and software developer apprenticeships.

Company Background

SmartLogic boasts a track record of long-lasting client relationships, with some dating back to 2010. Their wide-ranging clientele includes large non-profits, startups, local governments, and small to medium businesses. Detailed case studies of their work are available for review.

Job Features and Responsibilities

SmartLogic values focused work by minimizing context switching. Developers typically engage with one client at a time, contributing to 40 hours per week of collaborative project work. Responsibilities include writing quality code, project management collaboration, time recording, and enhancing the company's technical prowess. Developers also actively engage in professional development.

Job Requirements

A successful candidate will have professional experience in Ruby on Rails and/or Phoenix/Elixir, client communication skills, teamwork capabilities, problem-decomposition abilities, and a readiness to learn and improve. Skills or interest in Flutter for mobile app development and comfort with agile methodologies are also desired.

Benefits and Career Progression

SmartLogic offers a transparent career map with three developer levels, each with its own salary band. The position is fully remote within the U.S., featuring comprehensive insurance, unlimited PTO, sick leave, paid parental leave, and a retirement program with matching contributions. New employees receive a home office set-up allowance and an annual work-from-home stipend.

Commitment to Professional Development and Community

SmartLogic invests in its employees' and communities' growth by offering professional development opportunities, funding for conference participation (like ElixirConf), and resources for learning. The team is also encouraged to participate in local and online community events and initiatives.

This job offer was originally published on Jobicy


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U.S. (remote)

Software development


March 27, 2024


5 clicks on Apply Now

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