Associate QA Engineer

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Join as a Salesforce QA Tester to ensure quality & functionality in Salesforce apps through meticulous testing & collaboration with cross-functional teams.

Summary of Salesforce QA Tester Role

The Salesforce QA Tester role encompasses a crucial position where the individual is responsible for evaluating and ensuring that Salesforce applications and configurations meet the desired standards for quality and functionality. Quality Assurance testers operate collaboratively with varied teams including developers, administrators, and product managers to detect, document, and resolve defects to enhance user experience.

Key Responsibilities

Responsibilities include but are not limited to: creating test plans in collaboration with product owners, developing detailed test cases and scripts from business requirements, executing manual tests, identifying and documenting defects, conducting regression testing, managing test data, maintaining test documentation, and collaborating with team members to understand requirements and give constructive feedback during the development process. Regular attendance at standups during early PST hours is also expected.


Qualifications for the Salesforce QA Tester role typically require a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related field, 3-4 years of manual software testing experience preferably on the Salesforce platform, Salesforce certifications, strong understanding of Salesforce CRM functionalities, as well as familiarity with test management tools. In-depth knowledge of the software development lifecycle and agile methodologies are also necessary. Candidates should have a detail-oriented mindset and commitment to delivering high-quality software, coupled with the ability to communicate effectively and adapt to a fast-paced work environment. Experience with automated testing tools like Provar or Selenium is considered beneficial.

Company Overview

The position is offered in Islamabad, Punjab, Pakistan at Motive, which is seeking individuals equipped to handle sophisticated testing requirements and push the boundaries of traditional QA practices for the betterment of its Salesforce applications.

This job offer was originally published on RemoteOK


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Islamabad, Punjab, Pakistan

Software testing


February 1, 2024


15 clicks on Apply Now

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