Design Engineer, Web

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Retool is revolutionizing software development with its innovative platform, accelerating the creation of custom internal tools for companies of all sizes.

A Revolution in Software Development

Nearly half of all software code is written for internal use, yet many companies lack the resources to develop efficient operational tools. This gap leads to outdated software or reliance on manual processes. However, Retool is changing the landscape with its mission to make good software accessible to all by speeding up the development of internal tools through a unique platform that integrates traditional programming, drag-and-drop interfaces, and AI. As a result, development is not only faster, but it also yields better software by leveraging reusable components.

Retool's Growth and Vision

Retool serves a vast range of clients, from small startups to Fortune 500 firms. Despite its success, Retool sees an enormous opportunity for growth. The first impression for many is through their web presence, and Retool aims to deliver a seamless experience congruent with its product's power and efficiency. They're looking for a full-stack web engineer to bring this vision to life, someone who can oversee the implementation and management of Retool's digital interfaces, ensuring they are informative, user-friendly, and visually appealing.

Role of Full-Stack Web Engineer

The engineer will be responsible for managing Retool's online touchpoints, working with design and content to elevate the technical and visual aspects of the web presence. This role involves close collaboration with cross-functional teams, maintaining a high standard of web design and interaction, and keeping abreast of the latest web technologies.

Talent and Teamwork at Retool

Retool is searching for individuals who excel in React, TypeScript, and CSS, with experience in advanced animations and CI/CD environments. Bonus qualifications include familiarity with frameworks like NextJS, Vercel, and understanding of web animation technologies. The ideal candidate will be adept at collaborating with design teams, proficient in web optimization, and possess a comprehensive understanding of SEO.

Commitment to Excellence

Candidates should be eager to work in a fast-paced startup, be able to manage multiple projects, and have a strong desire to fine-tune the details, ensuring the highest quality of work. In return, Retool offers a competitive salary, equity, a full benefits package, and the opportunity to be part of a forward-thinking company poised to transform software development.

Joining Retool

Those interested in joining Retool's team of passionate innovators can look forward to a fulfilling role that not only demands technical expertise but also a commitment to a shared vision of delivering outstanding software tools.

Compensation and Benefits

Retool provides a comprehensive compensation package that includes a competitive salary, equity options, and a full suite of benefits. The salary range in the United States is $159,000—$205,000 USD, with actual compensation depending on several factors including experience, qualifications, and location.

This job offer was originally published on Jobicy


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Published on: Jobicy


Web design


March 13, 2024


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