Data Scientist Quantitative Analyst Numerical Simulation

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Join Impossible Cloud to shape the future of B2B cloud in Europe! Apply now for a chance to innovate in web3 with a passionate and visionary team.

Overview of Impossible Cloud

Impossible Cloud aspires to lead the B2B cloud platform sector in Europe and globally. Founded by successful entrepreneurs with a history of creating a billion-euro tech company, Impossible Cloud merges traditional B2B cloud products with emergent web3 infrastructures. They are on a mission to modernize the internet by leveraging technological advancements and working with both web3 experts and accomplished web2 entrepreneurs.

Impact and Role of a Data Scientist / Quantitative Analyst

As a Data Scientist or Quantitative Analyst at Impossible Cloud, one’s role revolves around supporting the web3 team by designing and enhancing a token-economic network protocol. This role entails having an advanced degree in a STEM or finance-related field and experience in quantitative research and programming, with a preference for Python skills. Suitable for early-career individuals, the position offers a unique opportunity to dive into complex economic and financial simulations.

Key Responsibilities

Candidates will be responsible for building a simulation library, conducting scenario analyses, optimizing protocol parameters, and collaborating with various teams to communicate simulation insights and foster educational development.

Qualifications and Experience

Applicants must have experience in model simulations, proficiency in programming (Python preferred), enthusiasm for Impossible Cloud’s vision, an advanced degree or equivalent experience, and potentially a background in web3 and DeFi.

What Impossible Cloud Offers

Impossible Cloud provides a competitive salary, stock options, and token participation, collaboration with industry leaders, and a dynamic work environment that blends remote and in-person interactions. The culture promotes trust, ownership, and success, seeking individuals keen on shaping Europe’s cloud future.

Company Culture and Hiring Process

The culture at Impossible Cloud values diverse backgrounds, fosters collaboration, and prioritizes communication. The hiring process involves submitting an application, an initial kickoff call, and a streamlined interview process tailored to the position.

Location and Work Style

Located in Hamburg, Impossible Cloud supports various working styles, including on-site, hybrid, and remote options, providing flexibility while maintaining a focus on collaboration at their headquarters.

This job offer was originally published on RemoteOK


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Impossible Cloud


Data science


March 27, 2024


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