RemoteMore: Senior JavaScript Backend Engineer (Node.js + Typescript)

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Join RemoteMore as a JavaScript backend engineer! Work remotely for a top tech company with competitive pay and a strong work-life balance.

Introduction to RemoteMore JavaScript Backend Developer Position

RemoteMore is assisting a prominent tech company in hiring JavaScript backend engineers for teams located in Europe and the US. The company is known for its significant role in the tech industry and manages a multitude of internal projects. Successful candidates will be assigned to projects that complement their areas of expertise, joining fully distributed product teams.

Company Culture and Work-Life Balance

The company's culture places a high value on the outcomes of work rather than the hours spent. They promote a healthy work-life balance, which is evident in their benefits package that includes a 4-week paid holiday each year. Candidates will have the opportunity to grow their professional skills by working alongside senior colleagues while enjoying the flexibility of working remotely.

Job Description and Expectations

The role is a full-time, remote position suitable for JavaScript backend engineers. Prospective employees should come from a strong technical background with proficiency in Node.js and TypeScript (knowledge of React, Vue, and Angular is also beneficial). Both intermediate and senior-level developers are encouraged to apply, with at least 3 years of working experience expected for the role. Soft skills are equally important, with a requirement for effective communication, the ability to contribute as an individual, and a passion for remote work. Having a good command of the English language is essential for collaboration within an international team.

Benefits of Applying

This opportunity is ideal for those who are excited about the prospect of working from any location and eager to join a team of top developers. The position offers a competitive salary that reflects the candidates' skills and presents a chance to make a significant impact in the company. With a focus on delivering quality work and the flexibility of remote work, it's a compelling option for skilled JavaScript backend engineers seeking to advance their careers.

Application Process

Interested candidates can apply by following the link provided, leading to the application page on the We Work Remotely website. It's a straightforward opportunity to become a part of a forward-thinking tech company while enjoying the perks of remote work and professional development.

This job offer was originally published on We Work Remotely


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Europe and the US

Software development


April 5, 2024


6 clicks on Apply Now

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