Web3 Technical Content Engineer

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Join Metaschool as a Technical Content Engineer to shape the future of Web3 learning with innovative content creation and global developer engagement.

About Metaschool

Metaschool is a remote-first, decentralized company offering courses to help developers excel in the Web3 ecosystem. With a team based in Singapore, India, and Pakistan, Metaschool thrives on a unified mission despite geographical differences. This mission is to empower developers in the Web3 space, fostering their ability to build and innovate within this emerging industry.

Core Values of Metaschool

Metaschool’s core values are foundational to its company culture, focusing on innovation ('Buidl dope shit!'), diversity ('Stay weird'), continuous improvement ('Improve daily'), developer prioritization ('Developers come first'), lifelong learning ('Learners for life'), and teamwork ('Collaborate to win').

Role of a Technical Content Engineer

The Technical Content Engineer at Metaschool plays a critical part in the company's success by creating technical content that resonates with developers. The role requires a unique blend of technical knowledge and creative writing to develop engaging content such as documentation, tutorials, blogs, and social media posts. Working with a team, a Technical Content Engineer at Metaschool ensures content is accurate, clear, and compelling. They are part of the broader product journey and contribute to design, development, and marketing initiatives, while keeping pace with Web3 advancements.


Key responsibilities include dynamic content creation, peer-to-peer learning, perfecting the work through editing, bringing holistic insights to product development, and engaging with a global community of Web3 enthusiasts.

Who You Are

The ideal candidate for this role is passionate about the Web3 landscape, skilled in storytelling, continuously learning, simplifying complex ideas, innovating, automating repetitive tasks, and thriving in dynamic environments.

Perks of Working at Metaschool

Metaschool offers competitive salaries, equity, health insurance, paid time off, workstation allowance, tech subscriptions, and a community of like-minded colleagues. With a focus on product, business, growth, and technology, Metaschool is a place where you can truly make an impact.

Join Our Community

If you aspire to be at the forefront of developer empowerment and Web3 education, Metaschool invites you to apply and connect with them on Twitter and LinkedIn. The team is excited about bringing on board individuals who share their vision of a decentralized future.

This job offer was originally published on Remotive


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Web content writing


April 15, 2024


1 clicks on Apply Now

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