Senior Data Scientist

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Join Instacart's data-driven team and transform grocery shopping with innovative solutions as a Personal Shopper or Data Scientist. Apply now!

About Instacart's Mission

Instacart believes in sharing love through food, making sure everyone has access to the groceries they love while giving them more time to enjoy together. The company values the complexity in grocery delivery, seeing it as an opportunity to serve a diverse community. Instacart provides essential delivery services of groceries and household goods while offering flexible earnings opportunities for Instacart Personal Shoppers.

Instacart's Dynamic Work Culture

Instacart practices a Flex First culture, where employees choose their best work environment. The company ensures connectivity and community through regular in-person events.

About the Role and Team

Instacart is seeking Data Scientists to join a growing team tackling significant challenges that reshape the grocery buying experience daily. Candidates will be incorporated into data-driven product teams and will influence the decision-making process across the company.

Job Responsibilities

Data Scientists at Instacart will own analytical frameworks, design experiments, develop models, build simulations, and democratize data for objective decision-making. They will use causal inference, machine learning, and complex systems modeling to influence the direction of Instacart.

Candidate Qualifications

Applicants should have a minimum of 2 years of experience in a quantitative role, proficiency in SQL, Python or R, and a growth mindset. Preferred qualifications include an advanced degree and experience with multi-sided marketplaces.

Open Roles at Instacart

Commerce Platform

Drive affordability and promotion through pricing strategies, platform performance improvements, and fostering long-term growth.


Enhance customer shopping experiences by enabling them to shop effortlessly and discover new products they’ll love.


Support executive decision-making with analyses that influence Instacart's business strategy and operational health.

Growth Systems

Shape initiatives for marketing investment, user incentives, and operational excellence through analytical frameworks and insights.

Growth & Marketing Tech

Propose actionable growth and marketing strategies leveraging data insights to shape customer behavior and marketing efficiency.

This job offer was originally published on Jobicy


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Not specified

Data science


April 18, 2024


1 clicks on Apply Now

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