OnTheGoSystems: Senior PHP Developer

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OnTheGoSystems is looking for a senior PHP developer for their Toolset product. 100% remote work with opportunities for professional development.


OnTheGoSystems, a renowned software company is urgently seeking a seasoned PHP developer to contribute to their product - Toolset. This illustrious company specializing in building complex WordPress websites is poised to engender growth in thousands of individuals. They offer a 100% remote work experience for their multifarious team members scattered across the globe.

Duties and expectations

The new PHP developer will work directly under the guidance of the lead developer of Toolset. Strong proficiency in PHP, with experience on both legacy (7.0 minimum, 5.6 is a plus) and the new versions (8.x) is touted as a prerequisite. Familiarity with JavaScript, particularly legacy libraries (like jQuery), vanilla JavaScript, and React as well as dependency managers like Composer for PHP and NPM for JavaScript is recommended. Developers should be adept at using debugging tools like XDebug, browser console and should demonstrate expertise in Testing and code quality tools: PHPUnit, PHPStan, PHPCS, Codeception etc. Proficiency in Git for version control and experience with GitLab, particularly CI/CD, pipelines, jobs, configuration files is also necessary.

Long and short term goals

The incumbent will be expected to align with the short, medium and long term goals of the organization. Initially, the developer will acclimatize with the large codebase and most challenging plugins under supervision. The medium term objective includes triaging newly created tickets based on their severity, working collaboratively with Support on prioritization, executions, and delivery while being autonomous on general issues. Long term goals involve the management of legacy Codeception tests for Toolset in addition to tracking changes from the platform (WordPress) and addressing compatibility issues.


This full-time position offers paid public holidays, vacation, and sick leave, paid sabbatical and opportunities to collaborate with team members across the globe. Clearly, this role offers a great avenue to progress and advance professionally.

This job offer was originally published on We Work Remotely


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Software development


October 29, 2023


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