Sr. Data Scientist

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Alteryx is hiring a Senior Data Scientist with strong analytic capabilities and an agile mindset to deliver data science product solutions. Remote-friendly.

About the Position

Alteryx is in search of a high performing Senior Data Scientist who is adept in their craft, constantly challenges the status quo, and prizes being part of a team. This is a remote-friendly role where you will have the opportunity to show up as your authentic self in an inclusive culture.

Position Overview

Your main responsibility will be delivering turnkey data science product solutions to the customers. As a pro-active member, you will inspire and motivate your team while also lending a hand to push things past the finish line. You should have a proven track record of delivering data science projects and strong analytic capabilities paired with an agile mindset. Your role will be pivotal to the growth of the team and transforming how data science is delivered at Alteryx.


Your responsibilities will span across areas like applying knowledge of machine learning, deep learning, and advanced math to simplify machine learning techniques that are digestible by business analysts. You are expected to develop and code software programs and models, develop advanced algorithms, and usher large-scale product implementations. Moreover, you will align with different teams to identify and implement product innovation ideas, coach lower-level professionals, and seek ways to improve the department.


A minimum of 5 years' functional experience, including 3 years' specific to this position, is required. Experience with advanced understanding in machine learning-related fields and demonstration of quick learning and collaboration are needed. You may also need a four-year college degree or added experience in a related area.


Alteryx believes in fair, equitable, and transparent compensation which will be decided upon various factors. The salary range for this role varies geographically. In Southern California, Colorado, Washington, and Rhode Island the range is $118,700-$201,800. In New York City and Northern California, the range is $129,500-$220,200. Added compensation might be present such as bonus and stock grants. Plus, employees may be qualified for a broad range of benefits such as medical, retirement and employee discounts.

This job offer was originally published on Jobicy


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Data science


November 2, 2023


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