Senior Core Product Marketing Manager

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Job opening for a Sr Product Marketing Manager at Articulate, including role responsibilities, recommended experience, and compensation range.

About Articulate Job Opening

We are seeking a Sr Product Marketing Manager to join our growing Product Marketing team. This individual will help drive Articulate's go-to-market (GTM) strategy in partnership with the Director of Core Product Marketing. Critical responsibilities include informing the product roadmap and developing positioning for Articulate products.

Key Responsibilities

The Sr Product Marketing Manager will lead the launch of new product lines and oversee their GTM strategies. The individual will collaborate with product, sales, and marketing teams to execute multi-channel campaigns and product launches. The outcome expected is effectively driving customer acquisition and retention while demonstrating the ongoing value of Articulate products to support expansion and renewal goals.

The individual will also work with Growth Marketing, Design, Copy, and Content Marketing teams on campaign execution while ensuring accuracy of position and messaging. Further, the manager will facilitate domestic and international growth by empowering our partners and field teams. Research will be a significant part of the role to understand customers, markets, and competitors further - which will inform the GTM strategy and product roadmap.

The successful candidate will also develop an understanding of Articulate’s market, including trends and competitors, and incorporate these learnings into GTM plans. Additional tasks include supporting event execution, creating assets for revenue generation teams, and much more.

Job Requirements

We are seeking someone with 8+ years of product marketing experience in a B2B SaaS context. This person should possess a customer-centric approach, outstanding communication skills, results-oriented attitude, and be confident in cross-functional collaboration. A Bachelor’s degree is required, while an MBA is preferred.


The salary range for this position is $119,000 to $178,400 depending on a range of factors. The position is also bonus eligible. Come join our team!

This job offer was originally published on Jobicy


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November 28, 2023


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