Great Good Venture Studio: Full Stack Developer (Front-End Focused)

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Join our team as a Full Stack Developer with front-end focus (80%) & Node.js skills (20%). Embrace tech evolution in a dynamic, solution-oriented work environment.

Job Offering: Full Stack Developer (Front-End Focused) at Great Good Venture Studio

A remote-based position is open for a skilled Full Stack Developer with a passion for front-end development, making up 80% of the role, and competent back-end abilities, accounting for the remaining 20%, specifically in Node.js. The candidate will need to thrive on challenges, keep up with tech advancements, and be a proactive learner with a positive, solution-driven attitude. Continuous personal and professional development, along with code delivery, will be central to their day-to-day responsibilities.

Key Responsibilities

The new hire will be tasked with both front-end and back-end development, including maintaining applications, implementing complex web solutions, and crafting intuitive user interfaces. Back-end tasks will focus on server logic, database integration, and API creation, employing Node.js for server-side development. As an integral part of the team, the developer will collaborate across functions, engage in code reviews, troubleshoot, stay updated on tech trends, and execute high-quality software development.


Applicants should have at least 3-5 years of full-stack development experience with a strong front-end emphasis, using languages and frameworks such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, and Vue.js. Node.js knowledge is required, along with a background in designing RESTful APIs and familiarity with SQL and MongoDB. Problem-solving acumen, detail orientation, and strong collaboration skills are also a must.

Preferred Skills

Preference will be given to those familiar with Web3, crypto-wallets, smart contracts, cloud services, Git, and Agile methodologies.

Application Prerequisites

Candidates must be proficient in English and ideally located within the European timezone. To apply, applicants should follow the provided application link to the Great Good Venture Studio's job posting on We Work Remotely.

This job offer was originally published on We Work Remotely


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Great Good Venture Studio


Software development


January 31, 2024


14 clicks on Apply Now

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