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Join our team as a content creator specializing in engaging copywriting, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, with a solid knowledge of Proprietary Trading.

Content Creator: Roles & Responsibilities

The content creator will be tasked with developing engaging content for various digital platforms. This includes writing for websites, creating email marketing campaigns, crafting product descriptions, producing video scripts, and composing compelling blog posts. The position demands active collaboration with the digital marketing team to generate content that drives measurable outcomes.

Adherence to Editorial Calendars and Performance Analysis

Maintaining a strict adherence to editorial calendars is crucial for timely content delivery. The content creator will also be responsible for analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) to gain insights and offer recommendations for content optimization.

SEO Strategies and Visibility Enhancement

An essential part of the job involves implementing effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to enhance the visibility of the content and ensure that it reaches the intended audience.

Job Requirements

Candidates are expected to have hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge of Proprietary Trading, with active participation in relevant communities being an added advantage. Mastery of both English and Bahasa Indonesia is mandatory, alongside a proven track record in crafting compelling copy, as evidenced by a portfolio. The position calls for strong creativity, impeccable communication skills, the ability to work independently with minimal supervision, attention to detail, exceptional organizational skills, and the ability to meet deadlines consistently.

How to Apply

Applicants are asked to attach their portfolio to their application and ensure that their contact information is up to date.

About IBMC

IBMC is a highly-regarded Business Management Consulting Company in Indonesia, focused on advancing business success. The company has established a significant presence in the Indonesian market, providing a wide array of services designed to meet the varied requirements of both local and international clients.

This job offer was originally published on Remotive


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Web content writing


February 7, 2024


2 clicks on Apply Now

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