Strategy11 : Marketing Copywriter

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Join Strategy11 as a Copywriter and craft engaging content for our leading software products like Formidable Forms. Apply now for a fulfilling remote career!

About Strategy11

Strategy11 is the innovative force behind products such as Formidable Forms, Business Directory Plugin, and WP Tasty Plugin. Located in Draper, UT, their software is utilized on nearly 400,000 websites, and the team is rapidly expanding. With ambitious plans for the future, Strategy11 aims to make complex tasks easy and big projects manageable for all.

Copywriter Role at Strategy11

The role of a Copywriter at Strategy11 involves crafting compelling narratives, utilizing SEO expertise to increase online visibility, and producing unique content. This multifaceted position is suitable for tech-savvy individuals capable of explaining technical topics in layman's terms, proactively solving problems, taking pride in their work, and helping the team succeed.


Responsibilities include blog post writing, creating screenshots, keyword research, planning blog calendars, improving SEO rankings, composing feature announcements, email newsletters, and crafting headlines and landing pages. These tasks require self-editing, attention to detail, and adherence to the company's style guide, with little oversight.

Skills and Experience

Crucial skills for the role include WordPress proficiency, writing and editing expertise, image editing capabilities, SEO understanding, basic HTML knowledge, and excellent time management. A strong marketing background and a portfolio showcasing high-quality copywriting will be beneficial. Additional qualifications that can provide an advantage include experience with high-ranking SEO content, email marketing, and graphic design.

What We Offer

Strategy11 offers a competitive salary, the convenience of working from home, and unlimited PTO post-60 days of employment. They support continuous learning by covering costs for relevant software, books, and courses, and promote a wholesome work environment devoid of unnecessary politics and negativity. With opportunities to tackle significant challenges and collaborate with top industry professionals, Strategy11 fosters both personal and career growth.

Application Process

For those interested in making an impact on the web and advancing their careers with a forward-thinking, globally dispersed team, Strategy11 could be the next step. Candidates can apply for the Copywriter position through the provided link.

This job offer was originally published on Jobicy


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Draper, UT



February 11, 2024


5 clicks on Apply Now

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