Engineering Manager

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Discover Neon, a multi-cloud Serverless Postgres provider focused on productivity, scalability, and modern workflows with a free tier and database branching.

Introduction to Neon

Neon is a cutting-edge multi-cloud Serverless Postgres provider that prioritizes making Postgres developers more productive in the cloud. By managing clusters, storage, and compute automatically, Neon enables developers to simply connect and create, worry-free. With independent scaling of compute and storage, Neon offers flexibility and cost-effectiveness, integrating seamlessly into development and production environments. Thanks to their scale-to-zero pricing model, developers only pay when their databases are in use.

Neon's Free Tier and Database Branching

Neon offers a generous free tier, which makes it an ideal choice for new projects. A standout feature is database branching, which allows for instantaneous database copies, facilitating modern development workflows and making Neon poised for the future of database management.

Engineering Management at Neon

As a manager with Neon, your role involves leading a distributed team across the EU, enhancing team productivity, and promoting engineers' growth. Managers at Neon focus on overcoming obstacles, coaching and developing team members, and streamlining processes to combat tech debt and expedite time to market. Effective communication, collaboration with various teams, hiring, and maintaining an on-call process are also key responsibilities.

Ideal Candidate Profile

Neon seeks candidates with over three years of engineering management experience and technical expertise in system coding with languages like Rust, C, and C++. The role requires experience in managing remote teams, coaching, strategic planning, implementing tools and processes, and excellent English communication skills. Familiarity with open-source projects and staying abreast with software engineering trends will be beneficial.

About Neon

Neon is committed to providing cloud-native PostgreSQL solutions and contributing to the open-source community. The company stands on the solid ground of extensive experience and proven expertise in building databases, particularly Postgres internals. Neon fosters a culture of openness, collaboration, and innovation led by a team of respected industry veterans.

Our Team and Culture

The Neon team is composed of experienced database developers and Postgres specialists, operating within a flat organizational structure that values open source culture principles. Team diversity and collaboration are at the company's core, with the goal to maintain a transparent, accountable, and proactive environment.

Investment and Growth

With significant funding from prominent investors like Menlo Ventures, GGV, and Khosla Ventures, and support from notable tech industry angel investors, Neon is poised for exponential growth. The company's board comprises industry leaders, ensuring strong governance and strategic direction.

What Neon Offers

Neon provides the opportunity to join an ambitious and growing team, with comprehensive benefits, competitive equity options, and the flexibility of full remote work. The company values work-life balance and facilitates team bonding through regular offsites and a plethora of additional benefits.

Company and Job Location

Neon is based in London, England, but operates on a fully remote basis, allowing team members to work from anywhere in the world, aligning with the company's forward-thinking and flexible work culture.

This job offer was originally published on RemoteOK


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London, England

Software development


February 12, 2024


2 clicks on Apply Now

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