Delivery Director Professional Services EMEA

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Explore a career at Okta, The World’s Identity Company. Join us in championing secure, flexible digital identities and contribute your unique experiences.

Introduction to Okta

Okta is recognized as The World's Identity Company, dedicated to enabling secure and flexible use of technology across any device or application. By placing identity at the core of security and business growth, Okta's Workforce and Customer Identity Clouds offer robust access, authentication, and automation for navigating the digital landscape.

Culture and Opportunities at Okta

Okta values a diverse array of perspectives and experiences and emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning. Instead of seeking candidates who check all boxes, Okta looks for individuals who bring unique experiences and can contribute to the company’s growth. Okta believes in creating a world where Identity is personal and empowers individuals.

Okta’s Professional Services

Okta's Professional Services division is committed to providing top-notch implementation services to businesses of all sizes. From smaller enterprises to strategic collaborations, they play a pivotal role in accelerating customer value and fostering ongoing customer relationships.

Join Okta's Team

If you are interested in building a safer digital world where identity management is user-centric, consider joining Okta's team. The company aims to create an environment where Identity belongs to the user.

This job offer was originally published on RemoteOK


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Project Management


February 15, 2024


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