Software Developer

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Join SmartLogic as a Software Developer proficient in Ruby on Rails or Phoenix/Elixir. Work remotely with a focus on professional growth and community engagement.

Company Overview

SmartLogic is a well-established custom software development consultancy since 2005, dedicated to team, client, and community success. The company's noteworthy initiatives include youth workforce development, software developer apprenticeships, the Elixir Wizards |> conference, and Baltimore Women in Tech micro grants program.

Project Engagement

SmartLogic's projects span one to several months, with some client relationships extending beyond a decade across various sectors. Projects are streamlined to minimize context switching, often dedicating developers to a single client at a time.

Position Responsibilities

Candidates are expected to write robust code in Ruby on Rails or Phoenix/Elixir, collaborate in a team setting, manage projects, contribute to technical advancement, and engage in professional development.

Position Requirements

Applicants must have professional experience in Ruby on Rails or Phoenix/Elixir, client communication skills, team player qualities, and an interest in Flutter mobile app development. They should be comfortable with agile software development practices.

Compensation and Benefits

SmartLogic offers a competitive salary across three developer levels from $60,000 to $140,000. Benefits include remote work, health care, unlimited PTO, paid parental leave, a SIMPLE IRA program, a home office allowance, and an annual work-from-home stipend.

Career Development and Culture

The company invests in its employees through professional development opportunities, conference participation, and various community and cultural initiatives. Emphasis is placed on maintaining a supportive remote work culture with numerous social and collaborative avenues.

This job offer was originally published on Jobicy


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Software development


February 25, 2024


13 clicks on Apply Now

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