Wordwall: Senior Full-Stack .NET developer

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About the Company

Wordwall is a UK based educational tech company that specializes in creating interactive games and worksheets for teachers. Its mission is to simplify the process of resource design for teachers. With a unique model, Wordwall hands over high-quality content creation to teachers, thus facing off the traditional way of relying strictly on publishers. This approach has aided the creation of a unique online community that embraces the availability of high-quality teacher-made content.

Job Description

They are currently recruiting for the position of a Senior Full-stack Developer who is specially skilled in JScript and C#. The ideal candidate should have a minimum of three years' experience working in a software development team and must be able to organize and motivate when working remotely. Other desirable skills include proficiency in HTML5, CSS, Canvas API, WebAudio API, ASP.NET MVC, MS-SQL, Azure, Selenium, and TeamCity CD.

Salary & Benefits

The salary ranges between £45-55k per year. The role comes offering a benefit of 30 days holiday per year and the flexibility of working 100% remotely.

Application Process

Real applicants are encouraged to apply, as the company discourages contact from agency representatives. The company also prides itself as an equal opportunities employer and promotes flexible working arrangements, either full or part-time.

This job offer was originally published on We Work Remotely



Software development


January 16, 2024


8 clicks on Apply Now


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