Realiste: Senior Sales Manager (Financial Product)

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Join Realiste AI as a Senior Sales Manager and revolutionize real estate investment using advanced AI. Work remotely with a dynamic team in a growing global company.

Overview of Realiste AI

Realiste AI, a leader in the real estate investment sector, offers a unique AI-powered platform resembling the 'Google of real estate investments.' Established in Dubai, the company provides analytics across 110+ cities worldwide and specializes in residential properties, particularly new developments suitable for online transactions. Realiste AI's growth is attributed to their product that significantly aids private and institutional investors in choosing investment opportunities.

Company Business Model and Culture

The business model of Realiste AI is focused on organic user engagement. Upon phone registration, users access property analytics and listings for free. Post-transaction, real estate developers pay a small commission to the company. Realiste AI's core principles emphasize prioritizing client success, leveraging AI to outpace traditional investment methods, maintaining positive unit economics, and fostering a company culture that discourages working with unpleasant individuals.

Role: Experienced Senior Sales Manager

Realiste AI seeks a Senior Sales Manager with a proven sales background, preferably with experience in real estate or financial products. Candidates should have a track record of high earnings and be familiar with investment terminology.

Workstyle and Benefits

Realiste offers an innovative, data-driven environment where employees have the freedom to experiment with work systems and are equipped with efficient training. They support a remote workforce while also providing an opportunity for relocation to Dubai. Salespeople enjoy a robust office environment in Dubai with a high potential for earnings and diverse customer interactions worldwide.

Application Process

Interested candidates can apply through the provided link or visit the Realiste seller onboarding page. Applicants are encouraged to fill out the form in detail to become part of this industry-resculpting movement.

This job offer was originally published on Jobicy


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Realiste AI




March 9, 2024


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