OnTheGoSystems: Back-End Developer - Join and Grow with Us!

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Join a fully remote team at OnTheGoSystems as a backend developer. Enhance your skills, work from anywhere and enjoy leadership opportunities.

OnTheGoSystems Remote Work Opportunity

If you are a backend developer looking for a new opportunity, OnTheGoSystems offers a unique proposition. The company is seeking a new team member to work on a mass-market SaaS product that enjoys global penetration. Regardless of whether you are a newbie or an expert in React and Ruby on Rails (RoR), you could be the perfect fit for the team.

Mandatory Experience

The successful candidate must have a minimum of three years of software development experience, with proficiency in Intensive database work, Writing automated tests, Developing widely-used systems, and Version control. Individuals who have a knack for problem-solving, displaying resourcefulness, ambition, creativity and a team spirit along with a love for learning will be highly regarded.

What OnTheGoSystems Provides

The company provides flexible remote work that allows you to work from anywhere in European, Middle Eastern, or African time zones. They operate in an agile environment featuring small, capable teams undertaking short sprints with plenty of daily support. The role offers opportunities for continuous learning, with a chance to enhance skills in RoR, React and several other aspects of the job. The individual who lands the job can expect full-stack engagement, contributing to all aspects, from backend to front-end, of the product. Furthermore, there are leadership opportunities available as the opportunity to rotate as a scrum master within a few months is an option as well.

Timezone Alignment

OnTheGoSystems' working philosophy is rooted in close collaboration. To facilitate this, they prefer to work with developers situated in European, Middle Eastern, or African time zones. However, they are willing to be flexible for exceptional candidates who can adapt to these hours.

This job offer was originally published on We Work Remotely


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Software development


November 20, 2023


1 clicks on Apply Now

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