Duet, Inc.: Senior Software Engineer

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Job opportunity at Duet Inc. as a Senior Software Engineer. Work remotely with a focus on macOS, Windows, or Backend Engineering.

Opportunity at Duet Inc. as Senior Software Engineer

Duet Inc., headquartered in Miami, FL presents a fantastic job opportunity for a talented and ambitious Senior Software Engineer. The candidate gets the opportunity to work closely with the CEO, the CTO, and the Engineering Team to create exciting new features and products.

The appointed candidate's role will not only involve shipping these products to customers around the globe but also helping individuals, teams, and companies increase their efficiency while working remotely. This role primarily involves working with several technologies, with a specific focus on macOS, Windows, or Backend Engineering.

Requirements for the Role

Duet is on the lookout for driven individuals who are excited to learn new things. The ideal candidate should be a self-starter, one who takes responsibility and ownership, and can handle a complex codebase. She/he should have the ability to learn quickly, execute tasks effectively, and solve complex engineering challenges. A candidate with experience in developing apps to cater to hundreds of thousands of customers is preferred. Additionally, she/he should be comfortable writing well-structured, organized code while keeping an eye out for performance optimization.

Required Technologies

There are different teams at Duet and the interested candidate should have experience in at least one set of technologies. These include C++ for the Windows Engineering Team, Objective-C/Swift (and some C/C++) for the Apple Engineering Team, and Go for the Backend Engineering Team. The Backend Engineering Team would also appreciate if the candidate had some exposure to webRTC.

The job allows the candidates the flexibility to work remotely. If this role interests you and fits your experience, you can apply through the link provided.

This job offer was originally published on We Work Remotely


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Duet Inc.

Miami, FL

Software development


November 29, 2023


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