Cold Email Copywriter

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Join a dynamic, fully remote lead generation agency as a cold email copywriter. Empower growth, strategy, and creativity with Apply uniquely!

About is a rapid-growth lead generation agency seeking a dedicated and driven team member for their fully managed cold email campaigns and strategic outreach initiatives. Catering to diverse clients, such as YC startups, Inc. 5000 companies, SaaS businesses, and award-winning agencies, the agency operates with a tech-enabled and data-centric approach.

The Role

Candidates will gain the independence to craft client outreach strategies, offering a promising learning experience for the adept person. An ideal role for ambitious individuals, this position encourages shaping outreach strategies and contributing with original ideas.

Culture and Benefits

A warm, collaborative atmosphere is promised, highlighting the importance of team input. emphasizes efficiency by automating monotonous tasks, thereby spotlighting the need for expertise and creativity in its endeavors.

Application Process

Prospective applicants are asked to bypass traditional application means and instead submit a succinct 4-minute video. Questions to address in the application video center around drafting a tailored cold email aimed at initiating a dialogue with the CEO of on the prospect of them becoming a client for

How to Apply

Interested parties should send the video link directly to the provided email address instead of a standard text application or CV. Further details regarding the position and the application can be found on the specified job link.

This job offer was originally published on Jobicy


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not specified



January 28, 2024


3 clicks on Apply Now

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