Design Engineer – Web

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Retool is on a mission to revolutionize internal software development with a new platform that's fast and intuitive. Join us to create cutting-edge web experiences.

About Retool

Retool bears the vision of transforming the internal software development scene. Considering that around 50% of all code is built for internal usage as per Gartner's estimates, the company sees a vast room for improvement in the tools businesses use every day. Retool's development platform blends traditional software development with a drag-and-drop UI and AI to accelerate the creation of internal tools. They champion the ideal of not just efficiency, but also the inherent quality in software development processes.

Retool's Customer Reach

Retool's client base comprises a diverse range from nimble startups to large Fortune 500 corporations, all leveraging Retool's platform for an array of business functions. Despite their rapid growth and varied customer base, Retool believes in the vast potential yet to be explored. They emphasize their accessible web presence, striving to provide a seamless, engaging, and high-quality online experience across their various platforms including their main site, blog, and documentation.

Web Presence and Engineering Role

To enhance their online presence, Retool is on the hunt for a full-stack web engineer dedicated to crafting and integrating superior web experiences. This engineer will be integral in contributing to the company's ambitious goals, having ownership of projects from conception to launch, and helping establish a cohesive design system across Retool’s web footprint.

Collaborative Effort and Team Dynamics

The incoming design engineer will work in sync with the design engineering and brand design teams for a unified approach to project execution. This role centers on deep collaboration and is crucial to capturing the innovative essence of Retool and presenting it to both potential and existing customers, thereby impacting the company's success directly.

Responsibilities and Action Items

The role encompasses leading Retool's web presence initiatives, ensuring technical brilliance across various online platforms, and collaborating closely with other teams such as marketing and growth to fine-tune the content offering. The candidate is expected to be abreast with the latest web technologies and consistently deliver an innovative and high-performing web presence.

Required and Preferred Skills

Prospects for this role ought to be proficient in technologies like React, TypeScript, and CSS, and should have experience with complex animations and interactions as well as advanced CI/CD environments. Additional expertise in frameworks like NextJS and familiarity with web analytics and optimization are highly valued but not mandatory.

Requirements and Candidate Profile

To excel, the candidate must understand performance optimization, web accessibility standards, technical SEO, and have the ability to juggle multiple projects in a fast-paced environment. Candidates in the US may expect a salary range from $159,000 to $205,000 plus additional benefits.

This job offer was originally published on Jobicy


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Published on: Jobicy


Web design


April 13, 2024


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