CloudDevs: full-stack developer senior

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CloudDevs is hiring full-stack developers to work for top startups with competitive compensations, bonuses, and flexible working environments.

About CloudDevs

CloudDevs is an established recruitment agency based in San Francisco, striving to help world-class startups find highly skilled full-stack developers. By partnering with CloudDevs, you will get an opportunity to work for one of these unique startups, playing a pivotal role in their early growth stages. CloudDevs' platform can be accessed via

Minimum Qualifications

To qualify for the full-stack developer positions on CloudDevs, you need a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or equivalent practical experience. A minimum of seven years of work experience as a software engineer or similar is required. Strong communication skills in English and the ability to solve problems are required. Potential candidates should also be comfortable with public speaking and collaboration, especially with distributed teams.

Preferred Qualifications

CloudDevs prefers candidates with a proven record of software shipping and successful app release. Other attractive skills include five or more years of commercial experience using major JS frameworks on the front-end, such as React or Vue, and back-end frameworks like Rails, Python, Go, Elixir, Java, Flask, or NodeJS. Experience with Continuous Integration and remote work are also preferred. Those with a meticulous eye for coding details, unit tests, and commit messages are highly sought.

Compensation and Benefits

Candidates that make the cut will enjoy competitive compensation and remote work opportunities. Additional perks may include bonuses, stock options, and Paid Time Off (PTO). Developers from Latin America can expect a pay between $80,000 and $110,000 per year, while other regions may vary. Interested applicants can apply through the URL -

This job offer was originally published on We Work Remotely


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Software development


November 24, 2023


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