VueJS Dev

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Join Partisia Blockchain Applications, a cutting-edge blockchain tech company in startup phase seeking a motivated dev. Opportunity to influence and grow.

About Partisia Blockchain Applications

Partisia Blockchain Applications is a pioneering company that operates within the innovative ecosystem of Partisia Blockchain. This organization is actively involved in building and promoting blockchain technology applications. Its aim is to harness the potential of blockchain technology in a variety of sectors. For self-driven developers, there is a significant opportunity to join the company in its early, startup phase and exert considerable influence on its development and culture.

Career Opportunity

The company is currently welcoming applications for a role primarily focused on frontend development, although there are chances for engagement in other areas such as UI design and backend API development. The ideal candidate would be self-motivated and eager to take on challenges in a dynamic startup environment.

Qualifications and Experience

Applicants are expected to have the following qualifications and experience:

  • 2-3 years of experience in frontend development.
  • A solid background in JavaScript/Typescript.
  • Proficiency with Vue3.
  • Experience working with design software like Figma.
  • The ability to work independently and troubleshoot issues as they arise.

Benefits and Working Conditions

Partisia Blockchain Applications offers flexible working hours and the luxury of location independence to its employees, which aligns with the company's forward-thinking ethos. However, it is requested that employees maintain at least 5 hours of their work schedule coinciding with Eastern Standard Time (EST) to ensure collaboration and communication within the team.

The company is based worldwide, which suggests a global approach to its operations and staffing, and underscores the international nature of the blockchain industry.

This job offer was originally published on RemoteOK


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Partisia Blockchain Applications

Location independence with 5 hours overlap with Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Software development


February 21, 2024


2 clicks on Apply Now

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